Baby wipes recalled at Sam's Club, Walgreens, more for possible bacteria

A baby-wipe recall from Nutek affects 10 brands sold at retailers nationwide. The recall on baby wipes was issued over concerns that they could contain bacteria, the company says. 

Courtesy of the FDA
A screen shot of one of the brands affected by a nationwide baby wipes recall, issued by Nutek. The recall affects brands sold at Walgreens, Sam's Club, the Dollar Store, and other retailers.

Nutek Disposables, a major manufacturer of baby wipes, has issued a recall of all of its 10 baby-wipe brands sold at major retailers nationwide over concerns that they could contain harmful bacteria, the company says.

The recall affects all baby wipes manufactured under the following brand names: Cuties,, Femtex, Fred's, Kidgets, Member's Mark, Simply Right, Sunny Smiles, Tender Touch, and Well Beginnings. The wipes were manufactured and distributed before Oct. 21, 2014 to five retailers: Walgreens, Sam's Club, Family Dollar, Fred's, and

The McElhattan, Pa.-based company didn’t say how many products were affected, though it will pull all of its baby-wipe products from shelves.

“After receiving a small number of complaints of odor and discoloration, Nutek conducted microbial testing that showed the presence of a bacteria…in some of these products,” a recall announcement on the FDA’s website reads. “Soon after, on October 3, 2014 the company initiated a voluntary withdrawal of lots that had tested positive for the bacteria, as well as other baby wipes in the surrounding time frame. After some additional lots were tested, as a precautionary measure, Nutek believed it was a prudent decision to withdraw all its baby wipe products.”

Nutek’s investigation has yet to home in on the source of the problem. The company has suspended shipping of the products from its manufacturing facility until the cause is identified.

After an initial product withdrawal on October 3, the baby-wipe recall was expanded after Nutek received several reports of complaints from customers, including rash, irritation, infections, fever, gastro-intestinal issues, and respiratory issues, according to the FDA. The reports have not been confirmed to be related to the use of the products.

Consumers who have purchased any of the affected products can return them to the store  for a full refund. Those with additional questions can contact Nutek at 1-855-646-4351, Monday through Friday, 10 AM – 4 PM EDT. For more information and a full list of recalled products and their retailers, visit the recall notice on the FDA's website, here:

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