5 exciting new romance novels

3. Changeling Dream, by Dani Harper

Changeling Dream, by Dani Harper, Kensington, 384 pp.

Dani Harper's Changeling Dream also features a lupine changeling as its male lead. Years ago, Jillian Descharme was rescued from a brutal attack by the sudden appearance of a great white wolf with blue eyes. Over time, she decided that the wolf had been a figment of her imagination. But now that she's moved to a remote town in Canada to work as a vet, the same white wolf keeps showing up. The animal, of course, is Harper's hero, James Macleod. James lost his wife and unborn child in a horrific attack by a killer determined to destroy all changelings. The ever-present threat causes James to retreat into his wolf skin and barely think as a human. Even as the violence spills into her daily life, Jillian tries to find ways to coax the ultimate loner – so isolated from human contact that he thinks as a wolf – back into his own skin. In romance novels, an earlier marriage of either hero or heroine is frequently depicted as less than satisfactory. But in Changeling Dream James's deep love for his murdered wife, Evelyn, is the bedrock on which Jillian and James build their relationship – the bridge that James needs to cross back into human society.

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