6 of history's forgotten stories

From "The Man Who Shot The Man Who Shot Lincoln" by Graeme Donald, here are six stories that you didn't hear in history class.

3. The Geiringers: friends of Anne Frank's family who hid across the street

Erik Möller
A reproduction of the bookshelf that hid Anne Frank's hiding place.

The Geiringers were friends of the Franks and hid in a building right across the street from where Anne Frank and her family famously concealed themselves from the Nazis. Neither family knew that the other was there. Like the Franks, the Geiringers were betrayed and sent to concentration camps. Elfiede, the mother, and Eva, the daughter, who was a friend of Anne's, survived. They encountered Otto Frank, Anne's father, again after the camps were liberated, and Otto Frank and Elfiede Geiringer married in 1953.

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