5 children's books by US politicians

3. "Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids' Letters to the First Pets," by Hillary Rodham Clinton

During her years as first lady, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote “Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids’ Letters to the First Pets,” a 208-page children’s book with more than 80 photos of former first pets Socks the cat and Buddy the chocolate Labrador. Clinton includes 50 utterly adorable letters from children across the US, answers their frequently asked questions, and gives a White House “pet history,” from Dolly Madison’s parrot to Teddy Roosevelt’s menagerie. She uses the book as an opportunity to promote letter writing and proper pet care to young readers.

The Secretary of State’s 2003 autobiography “Living History” in 2003 set sales records in books for grown-ups.

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