Collage for Thanksgiving

A poem

Collage for Thanksgiving

When that full pumpkin moon rolls through
this autumn hemisphere, we know it's time again
for gathering with family and friend; most any
place makes a good harbor for our pilgrim selves.

My sister says one gift of gratitude revives
the past. And Grandpa smiles, "Be ready with
a thousand thanks; you can't predict when
flocks of angels might come singing by."

Aunt Sophie calls us "little blessings" and
repeats how simple love will bring us peace.
But we remember best how Poppa always
quotes, "Each moment lasts forever."*

So as the years slide on, renewal of the joy
we've known is reason for a coming home,
reviewing who we were or hope to be, sharing
our praise for each amazing now and then.

* Kurt Vonnegut

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