
Congress should keep away from legislating Net access

Regarding the June 20 article, "Congress weighs rules of Net access": Don't we already have a tiered market in terms of Internet speed? If you pay for dial-up you are not going to enjoy photos, music, and video content. If you pay a bit more for cable/DSL broadband, your options open up. If you want to do Internet business, you may have to get a fatter pipe and pay for a T-1 or a larger burstable circuit. We already pay for a quality of service (speed) on the Internet. Congress should stay well away.

The last time Congress "helped" with information technology, they crammed price caps onto the phone companies concerning their provision of DSL service to independent service providers. So we now lag in the penetration of broadband service into the retail market when compared to the world leader in this area, South Korea.

When I voted for my congressmen, I was not electing chief technology officers or network architects, and they certainly aren't account executives who should set prices for my Internet service.

Stay away from the market, Congress! Go lower our taxes, cut federal spending, and fix Social Security by providing people true ownership of the accounts.
David Holmes
Fairfax, Va.

Don't log forests after a fire

I am writing about the June 14 article, "With Oregon timber sale, controversy flares," regarding the question of whether to log after wildfires. After reading the article, I think it is best to let forests grow naturally after a wildfire, particularly because salmon – some species of which are endangered – might be better protected this way.

Forest services say that forests should be logged after fire, but environmentalists and I disagree with that idea because residue from burned forests can help keep nutrients in the soil, preserve riparian zones and shade, and stop runoff and erosion into streams, which protects the habitat of salmon. Forests grow back well on their own after fires and need nutrients and support from burned trees to keep the ecosystem intact. Burned forests are also key habitats for many wildlife species.

If burned wood is left after fire, more trees can grow back faster and healthier, and there is no erosion or further destruction of the forest or the streams that salmon live in.
Jonathan Huang
Lynnwood, Wash.

You never outgrow children's books

Some stories ring true when you read their titles. I could have written the May 31 article, "A big 'kid' with a love of small books," myself. I smiled when I read how the article's author enjoyed looking at new books as well as her long-time favorites when she visited her local library or bookstore. Our children have grown up, too, and yet I won't stay away from the inspiration that I find in the pages of children's books.

Our daughter said to me recently, "I always wondered why you collected children's books – and now I know why." She, too, has started her own collection. Chosen carefully, a well-written, beautifully illustrated children's book can transform a busy, hectic day into a soothing memory. Cares just drop away.

I also remember the pleasure my daughter, son, and I shared when I reread our favorite stories. When I was away on business trips, my husband became the storyteller for the children. Books have always been a part of our family, and they still are. Choosing a book to read is a wonderful way to end the day. Try it!
Linda Kranz
Flagstaff, Ariz.

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