
Are guns or games the root of violent behavior?

Regarding John Hughes's Nov. 11 column "Video game violence isn't harmless fun": If this were true, kids in Europe and Asia would be shooting at each other, too. But they aren't.

Games have nothing to do with school shootings or other kinds of violence in the United States. It is, rather, the availability of guns. I know it's hard for most people in the US to look the truth in the eye - always seeking some excuse, always trying to find explanations for our violent behavior, but never wanting to admit the cause of the problem: guns and guns alone.

People all over the world watch, listen to, and play with violence, but don't do to one another what we do here.
Joanna Lazzo
New York

I agree wholeheartedly that violence in video games and in any form that is repeatedly viewed or listened to is just like a bad habit - it creates the desire for more. It has proven to be instrumental in causing children and young adults to act out what they see and hear.

It's a shame that we as responsible adults have allowed this violence (in all forms) to permeate our everyday lives. Why do we sit idly by and let this happen? If I had my wish, games and movies would never be an avenue for violence.
Rhonda Powell
Mount Juliet, Tenn.

A salute to veterans

Regarding Mike Revzin's Nov. 10 Opinion "A 'blanket statement' about WWII veterans": I enjoyed the story of the two veterans at the beach and agree, being a Desert Storm vet, that there is and always should be a strong feeling of pride and honor in those who have served this great nation of ours. I am extremely proud to have served for eight years, and I have always found that when I meet a fellow veteran, there is an implicit mutual respect.

I hope people never forget the price that has been paid for the freedom that we sometimes take for granted - and on these days of remembrance to stop for a moment and look at the beauty of America, to see that freedom is worth fighting for, and that it is still a great honor to be called an American! A salute to all our veterans!
John Davis
Brandon, Fla.

I'd like to thank Mike Revzin for his beautiful example of how "less is more." In these days of superpatriotic talking heads with their American flag lapel pins, many of us yearn for the days when patriotism didn't require anything ostentatious - only a blanket.
Robert Holczer
Paris, Ky.

Time for gloves, scarf, and imagination

Thank you for the wonderful Home Forum essay "A treadmill jogs fond memories of home" by Becky Marietta (Nov. 10). It was a lovely way to reinvigorate my spirit after my evening bike ride home from work. As the daylight hours shorten, my evening rides in the dark make it more and more difficult to want to hop on the bike in the morning. And it definitely makes me long for sunny summer days.

Ms. Marietta's essay will stick with me as I gut out the cold, rainy winter months. She hones in on something truly important: the imagination. It is a gift that can get you through a lot of otherwise difficult or boring situations. And you always have it with you.
Anne Langendorfer
Portland, Ore.

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