Puzzle out these rhymes


Can you identify all the homonyms in the verses below? The answers to each riddle all contain the name of a city, state, country, or its people.

1. To wander round;

A kind of apple;

A sacred city

of church and chapel.

2. In reindeer land,

a northern man;

A knee-bound place;

The loop you ran.

3. It's what's the point;

A horse's hair;

A Northern state;

A street, not rare.

4. The Andes are here;

This stew's a hot one;

Red pepper by name;

And nippy, no sun.

5. It's what you'd find

In a body shop;

An oily flick;

An ancient stop.

6. To tie a boat;

Or what you want;

A Muslim fellow;

A heathered swamp.


(1) roam, Rome, Rome

(2) Lapp, lap, lap

(3) main, mane, Maine, Main

(4) Chile, chili, chili, chilly

(5) grease, 'Grease,' Greece

(6) moor, more, Moor, moor.

(c) Copyright 2001. The Christian Science Monitor

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