Internet sitings

What: An exhaustive job listing and rsum service, Jobtrak provides employment offerings from more than 900 university career centers, aimed primarily at college students and customized for the universities' affiliated alumni.

The best parts: It's possible to hunt down jobs specifically targeted at students or graduates of particular institutions - without having to travel back to campus to scan the career center's bulletin board. The site allows visitors the option of writing and sending rsums online, expediting the process of job-searching. Other resources include career forums, a job search manual, a guide to graduate schools, an online career fair.

What you should know: To access the majority of Jobtrak employment postings, it is necessary to have a password, issued by your university. The service is free of charge, with much of the company's revenue coming from fees charged for employer listings. Check with your alma mater about its participation; some charge alums a fee for passwords.

How to get there: Go directly to the site as listed above, or stop by the Work & Money site, and we'll link you up:

(c) Copyright 1999. The Christian Science Publishing Society

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