Nolo fosters teamwork

As a long-time customer of Nolo Press (``Lawyers Teach Others to Help Themselves,'' Dec. 21) I can attest to the quality of the help they give to anyone who wants to conduct his or her affairs without the ``assistance'' of the legal profession. The money I have saved over the years by doing the simple things myself is only part of what I have gained by using Nolo Press publications. What I have learned about the law is even more important. If I read a Nolo Press book and then decide to use a lawyer anyway, I have a better understanding of what he or she will be doing for me, and I know what questions to ask and what information the lawyer will need to do a better job.

The professionals involved in one's life - the doctors, the plumbers, the lawyers, the electricians, the accountants - are all members of a team. Team members work better together when well informed. Nolo Press informs, and if that scares the lawyers, at least maybe their clients will be treated more fairly, more like a member of the team. Janet Winter, Oakland, Calif.

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