The Bosnian peace talks in Geneva broke down over the weekend, partly because of the new fighting that erupted in Croatia last week. The two international mediators in Geneva, Cyrus Vance from the United Nations, and Lord Owen of the European Community, said they would report to the UN Security Council this week, urging a settlement by military means, if necessary. President Alija Izetbegovic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, making a new appeal for weapons, yesterday urged the world to "get tough" with rebel Serbs

to end the fighting in his republic. Meanwhile, a gaping hole formed yesterday on the crest of a dam dynamited last week by Serbs in Peruca, Croatia, threatening the 20,000 Croatians living downstream. New GOP chairman in US

Republicans left their three-day meeting Saturday with a new party chairman, a call for tolerance, and a potential bitter fight ahead on scrapping its anti-abortion stance, which has alienated millions of voters.

The party Friday elected a new chairman, Republican insider Haley Barbour, of Yazoo City, Miss., a Washington lawyer and lobbyist who served a stint as President Reagan's White House political director.

"We came across as shrill and strident and hard-edged," Mr. Barbour said of last summer's Republican convention in Houston. "We have to show people we are practicing the politics of inclusion," he said Saturday. Clinton at Camp David

President Clinton tried out Camp David for the first time this weekend, but took his new government to the rustic presidential hideaway all Cabinet members and top aides went with him. White House spokeswoman Dee Dee Myers said that the group was focusing on Mr. Clinton's legislative agenda "for the first 100 days and beyond" during their two-day stay at the Maryland retreat. Vermont bank fails

Federal bank regulators began examining records of the First National Bank of Vermont on Saturday, a day after it was seized in the state's biggest bank failure since the Great Depression. The bank, which has total assets of $293.5 million, will reopen today as the New First National Bank of Vermont. UN warns about Iraq

The chief UN nuclear inspector said yesterday there was no way to ease economic sanctions against Iraq unless Baghdad turns over a complete list of foreign suppliers of nuclear materials. Maurizio Zifferero, head of a team that left Baghdad for Bahrain yesterday, also said that without long-term monitoring there was no way to ensure Iraq would not again seek to develop a nuclear weapon. Rafsanjani call to US

Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani said yesterday that Iran needs "some goodwill gestures" from the United States before it will consider resuming diplomatic ties. He suggested that one such measure would be the freeing of billions of dollars in Iranian assets frozen in the US for more than a decade. Mr. Rafsanjani also called for lifting the embargo on weapons sales to Bosnian Muslims.

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