Northwest Profile

Population - Regional average net change(1980-1990): +11.25 percent. Racial Distribution - More than three-quarters of the residents of the Northwest are white. Alaska has a sizable group of American Indians, Eskimos, and Aleutian Islanders who together comprise more than 15 percent of the population. Hispanics range in percentage from 1.5 percent in Montana to 5.7 percent in Wyoming. The coastal states and Alaska have the largest black populations in the region; Alaska's amounts to 4 percent. A 4.3 percent Asian population resides in Washington. Economy - Agriculture, forestry, oil, gas, mining, aerospace, tourism, manufacturing, high technology, food production, commercial fishing. Per Capita Income - Regional average ( 1990) - $17,407 Unemployment - Regional average (through August 1992) - 6.15 percent Sources: *1990 census figures. The World Almanac and Book of Facts (1982, 1992), US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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