Thorough scraping sets up a good paint job

Q. Our recently bought home has badly eroded paint on the outside wood trim. In refinishing, should I add linseed oil to the paint or use the oil before painting? Should we use oil-based paint or acrylic? Mrs. Mary Brand Liberty, Maine

A. Sand and scrape the wood surface thoroughly so as to remove all the loose and scaling paint. This operation is the key to success of subsequent repainting. Some folks weary of doing a thorough job of preparation. So, for the sake of the longevity and appearance of the trim repainting, carry on with the thorough preparation to a sound substrate.

Then, apply a liberal coat of a top-quality acrylic undercoat. Let it dry. Follow with a liberal coat of an equal high-quality acrylic house and trim paint.

Our veteran paint consultant says to avoid linseed oil as a primer as well as an oil-based paint as a finish coat.

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