'Junior Achievement,' British style

A British educational charity organization is teaching some senior schoolchildren the latest techniques in business management. Founded by a banker in 1962, the Young Enterprise agency has been showing methods of setting up and running companies to pupils between 15 and 19. The business ventures are sponsored by adults with managerial experience, and each commercial group has about 20 teen-agers acting as director-controllers.

A spokeman for the educational agency has said that Young Enterprise provides excellent training for youngsters who are looking to hold executive positions in commerce and industry. About 300 Young Enterprise small-business groups have been operating this year, and the organization hopes that 500 units will be functioning by 1981.

Similar to the Junior Achievement programs in the United States, the teen-ager-controlled companies produce and sell items like candles, calendars, and jewelry. With rising unemployment throughout British industry, schools and organizations are increasingly teaching senior pupils skills in operating small businesses.

A group of welfare workers in London recently reported growing interest in a plan to employ out-or-work teen-agers on repairing and servicing household appliances that are normally discarded within a few years. The youth-opportunities project in London and the Young Enterprise agency's activities are specifically designed to encourage a confidence among youngsters that they can perform really worthwhile jobs.

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